Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell The Pitfalls of Being a Results-Driven Organisation. Organisations often boast about being, or aspiring to be, a results-driven organisation or having a results-driven culture, not understanding its pitfalls. Results are outcomes and when organisations ...
Expertivity Technologies , Elizabeth Hegarty Performance assessment of an IT PMO against effectiveness & efficiency measures Facts PMO process had not been adequately operationalised resulting in a lack of clarity in process roles & responsibilities and significant (>25%) inefficiencies in its execution. The PMO was respons...
Expertivity Technologies , Elizabeth Hegarty IT Support team transformation Facts CIO objective to redeploy/release 15% of their IT support headcount over 2 years. Senior Management did not have deep visibility into the workload distribution of the support teams/staff. Lack o...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Entanglement: The Core Driver of Frustration and Poor Productivity in Service and Knowledge-Work Organisations! Globally, the low productivity of the service and knowledge work sectors is causing governments and economies a major concern, given that they now account for over 80% of GDP and the bulk of employmen...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Quality versus quality? Why knowing the difference can help change your organisation for the better. I recently came across an article proposing that "It’s time to stop measuring productivity" by Dominic Price, the resident "work futurist" at Atlassian. His "5 second summary" is: Productivity metrics...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell The 4 Root Causes of Poor Effectiveness and Efficiency in Service and & Knowledge-Work Organisations (S&KWO) Background Work teams or front-line teams (to distinguish them from project teams) are responsible for executing the day-to-day transactions of the organisation and are usually found at the lowest lev...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Without Substantiated Reasons, Can Managers Really Ask for More? For those of us who have worked in the manufacturing and industrial sectors, the question posed in the headline would seem strange if not bizarre. Managers in those sectors take for granted the skills...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Team Leaders Without Training?: Just Dodgem! Why is it that many newly appointed Team Leaders and Mid Level Managers receive little formal training in the hard skills of effective and efficient resource management, either before or after being a...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Why Service & Knowledge-Work Teams are "Pre-Lean" and Can Therefore Quickly Double Their Productivity or better! Most Service and Knowledge-Work Organisations are Pre-Lean and by that I mean, the core skills and disciplines of Operations Management, the operations management fundamentals, are weak or absent. Thi...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Collaborative Management and the "Planned Percent Complete" KPI Sometime back, while working with the Resource Teams in a large Information Technology client, a dispute arose amongst the resource team leaders, around how well the Project Management Office (PMO) wa...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Measuring and Improving Service Productivity Measuring and Improving Service Productivity There's a generally held view in the research literature that improving service productivity is a challenging if not elusive goal, in the main due to the d...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Why TPS is not "Lean for The Masses" ....hint, the answer is in the name! The Machine That Changed the World At the risk of being branded a heretic, I'd like to propose that, in their seminal books on Lean (The Machine that Changed the World and Lean Thinking), Womack and J...