Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Ryanair: A Lesson for Leaders, Managers, Unions and Society There's been a lot of feedback on my earlier post on Ryanair supporting the post but also pointing out the great things that Ryanair has achieved for society such as low fares, the boom and ease in tr...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell McLaw & Associates and Xpertivity Join Forces McLaw & Associates and Xpertivity Limited were both founded by Alex McDonnell and Paula Lawton. Paula and Alex have now brought both companies together under the Xpertivity brand with the services pre...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Major Insurance Company Required Significant Capacity Release Facts Overall Capacity – Up By 25% Value Added Tasks – Up By 15% Improved Customer Service Levels Results Restructured Core Ops Management System Increased Technical Capacity Improved Inter-Team Coop...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Building Operational Excellence Capabilities for Future Expansion for One of the Largest Health Organisations in Ireland Facts Performance – Up By 200% Non Value Added Tasks – Down By 30% Digital Transformation – 100% Results Upgraded IT Infrastructure Staff Trained In Operational Excellence Significant Improvement In S...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell EI Interview KTL about their Lean Transformation KILLARNEY TELECOMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (KTL) When KTL targeted growth, they focused on competitiveness “..agility can come at a significant cost to the bottom line. Lean allowed us to optimise and stand...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Global Banking Subsidiary Uses Lean Operations to Secure Their Future Facts Overall Cost – Down By >30% Programme Delivered – 15% Under Budget And Before Deadline Results Implemented ServiceForce, Resulting In Efficient And Sustainable Back-Office Processes Operational ...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Laying Lean Foundations for Serious Growth Interview With Wendy Hamilton - SVP Global Operations “When someone gets through the Lean journey, they change their mindset in subtle ways that they would never have believed at the outset” Results ...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell ServiceForce: The Lean Management System from Expertivity that Helped Deliver Over 40% Improvement in Public Sector Productivity GOVERNMENT SHARED SERVICES CENTRE “We tried applying Lean our own but struggled to make it relevant to our day to day work. Deploying ServiceForce, Expertivity’s Lean Management System, transformed ou...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Demand and Capacity Management of Remote Working Teams in the “Post Covid” Era R evisiting proven management practices to drive efficiencies of remote teams . Managing the demand and capacity gaps in Service and Knowledge Work organizations is a big challenge when teams were phy...
Expertivity Technologies , Alex McDonnell Why Common Practice is Not Best (or Better) Practice! Diffusion of Innovations In speaking to managers in service and knowledge work organisations, I'm often told that "we already employ industry best practices" but often find that what they really mean ...