Enterprise Ireland Grants

Build Better Enterprise  

Enterprise Ireland is the state agency responsible for supporting the development of manufacturing and internationally traded services companies. Enterprise Ireland provides funding and supports for companies - from entrepreneurs with business propositions for a high potential start-up through to large companies expanding their activities, improving efficiency and growing international sales.

Enterprise Ireland has a range of different grant programmes such as Lean Business Offer, Digital Innovation, Digital Transformation, Digital Discovery & Build to Innovate that are  tailored to suit different stages of development and specific funding needs.  

Lean Business Offer

Enterprise Ireland’s Lean Business Offer is designed to encourage clients to adopt Lean business principles in their organisation to increase performance and competitiveness.

Lean tools and techniques are helping companies across the globe to address competitiveness issues within their businesses by building the capability of their people to identify problems, improve operations and create a more innovative organisation.

Build better enterprise

A Lean project can provide the ideal framework for a digitalisation journey for your company, using Lean to map out and measure processes can enable the automation of repetitive tasks, thereby freeing up and equipping staff to work on value-adding activities. 

The Lean Business Offer is made up of three levels of support:

Each level of support is characterised by increasing levels of capability in implementing Lean business principles and other best practice approaches to drive company awareness, adoption and integration of Lean tools and techniques.

LeanStart LeanPlus LeanTransform

Digital Innovation/Digital Transformation

Digital Innovation also known as Digital Transformation is about redesigning your business to serve your customers better, starting with a deep understanding of your customer needs and your value stream and then using new technology to improve the customer experience. 

  1. Plan your Digital Journey - Understand your Digital Innovation Potential.

  2. Optimise your Business - Create a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. 

  3. Digital Transformation - Reinvent your business for the Digital World. 

Digital Discovery

The aim of the Digital Discovery grant is to incentivise and support companies to develop a strategic roadmap for their digital transition. This should encompass a review of existing systems, processes and capabilities and an exploration of new opportunities in an increasingly digital world.

Grant support is provided for external consultancy costs to help a company to develop a digital strategy, typically over an 8-to-12-week period.

Build to Innovate 

An initiative by Enterprise Ireland under the Housing for All programme.

A suite of Lean, Digitalisation and Research & Innovation grant aid packages are now available for such projects where the impact will result in homes that are built faster, on time and with less expense.

Enterprise Ireland’s Built To Innovate Lean Offer is designed to encourage the adoption of Lean principles in your organisation to increase performance and competitiveness.

Lean helps to address competitiveness issues within your businesses by building the capability of your people to identify problems, improve operations and create a more innovative organisation.

Build to innovate

Initiated under the Government’s  Housing for All  programme: 

The Built To Innovate campaign initiative seeks to support Irish companies active within the residential construction sector who wish to enhance the operational performance of their business via:

  • Increasing the usage of Modern Methods of Construction,
  • Implementing Lean training in both manufacturing and onsite environments,
  • Improving the use of digital tools to drive company-wide productivity benefits,
  • Advancing research concepts or process innovation ideas

The Built To Innovate initiative seeks to support companies in the sector who wish to pursue:

  • Enhanced usage and implementation of Modern Methods of Construction,
  • Implementing Lean training in both manufacturing and onsite environments,
  • Improving the use of digital tools that can bring productivity benefits,
  • Funding for research concepts or process innovation ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Lean can help any business by bringing transparency to the processes that deliver your products of services to your customers. Once you and your team can see the issues and challenges in the process, lean has some simple but really effective tools to minimize or eliminate those issues. The result is a process that is simpler, repeatable and therefore more effective in delivering the right product/service, at the right cost and at the right time.

Lean tools and techniques are helping companies across Ireland to address competitiveness issues within their businesses by building the capability of their people to identify problems, improve operations and create a more innovative organisation.

We have delivered many lean programs and it’s fair to say that they have always delivered a significant improvement for our clients.  You can look at our case studies at your convenience to look at the type of results companies can achieve. 

The length of time from application to approval varies, depending on the type of funding being sought i.e. there is a higher level of interaction and information exchange between EI and the IDA advisor and you, the client, for the higher funding, but it would be reasonable to expect the approval process to be completed in 3 – 8 weeks. Again the project completion time line depends on the size of lean program you are applying/approved for, the starter program is 7 days generally delivered over 2 – 3 months. The Lean Plus program is generally in the 6 -12 month time frame and the Lean Transform up to 3 years. You can read the detailed information on the funding offers on the EI/IDA websites but here’s a quick summary that you may find helpful.

The Lean Business Offer is made up of three levels of support:

1.        LeanStart  :

Eligible Cost Elements

Eligible Costs

Eligible Grant

External Adviser/trainer

€6,300 based on 7 days advisory services at rate of €900/day. Actual costs based on market rates may be higher

€5,000 based on a grant of up to 80% of eligible costs

2.        LeanPlus:

Eligible Cost Elements

Eligible Costs

Eligible Grant

External Lean Training/Advisory costs provided by a Service Provider on the EI directory, capped at €900 per day. Internal salary cost of up to 3 company ‘Lean project champions’, up to 50% of the total project cost, subject to a combined max. of 250 days at €200 per day.

Up to €100,000 in eligible expenditure. Actual company spend may be higher

50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of €50,000

3.        LeanTransform:

Eligible Cost Elements

Eligible Costs

Eligible Grant

trainers' and trainees personnel costs, for the hours during which the trainers participate in the training;

Eligible external trainer costs are capped at €900 per day including expenses. Internal staff time (trainer or trainee) is based on actual pay rates to a cap of €350 per day.

The maximum grant rate is based on a percentage of eligible costs and depends on company size;

Small – 70%, Medium – 60%,  Large – 50%

trainers' and trainees' operating costs directly relating to the training project such as travel expenses, materials and supplies

Travel and subsistence expenses are allowed as per standard EI policy where deemed reasonable.


costs of expert advisory services linked to the training project for advice and guidance on training programme implementation and appraisal as well as benchmarking / diagnostics where appropriate

Costs of advisory services are capped at €900 per day including expenses, limited to  a maximum of 10% of the total eligible training project spend up to a project maximum of €200,000.




Each level of support is characterized by increasing levels of capability in implementing Lean business principles and other best practice approaches to drive company awareness, adoption and integration of Lean tools and techniques.

In general, Enterprise Ireland support Irish SME’s involved in manufacturing or International Traded Services.  You can check if you have the potential to be an Enterprise Ireland by looking at the eligibility criteria on each of their websites, or   contact us   and we will help you to check it out.

Like anything else, applying for funding for the 1st time may seem daunting but it is quite straight forward. The eligibility and application steps are all highlighted in the Enterprise Ireland Website under  Productivity and Business Process Improvement Supports.  Expertivity have delivered many Lean Programs and are always happy to support our clients with the application process. 

If you would like to know more about Enterprise Irelands grant supports, contact us today for more information! 

Join us and make your company a better place.

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We are trusted by top organisations across multiple industry sectors with complex environments to deliver against business priorities ranging from organisational process improvements to expert project management, strategy execution services to help organisations and their people perform to maximum potential.

We have the flexibility and talent to accommodate either short term or long term requirement, and help you deliver your projects better.

Simply put: We have the experience, we have the know how and we always deliver on time and on budget! 

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