Reporting and Analytics Diagnostics
Understand business most pressing reporting and analytics needs so you can focus your improvement efforts to meet those needs.
What is a Reporting and Analytics Diagnostic?
The Reporting and Analytics Diagnostic Program is a low effort, high impact program designed to help CIOs and IT Leaders to engage with report users and business leaders outside of the IT Organisation so that they can:
- Understand issues and use cases for individual reports, and their evaluation across 10 dimensions of satisfaction
- Understand reporting & analytics needs at an individual respondent level
- Address unmet needs of key stakeholders
- Schedule and deliver training to users who need it
What is inside the box?
The report contains detailed feedback given by report users and business leaders outside of the IT Organisation. The report shows you business needs around reporting & analytics and what the most pressing issues are. Use the feedback to guide improvement efforts and develop a focused action plan.
Current State Scorecard
Assess Reporting Satisfaction scores provided by each department. Evaluate feedback on Reporting across 10 dimensions of satisfaction. Determine effectiveness of Analytics Tools

Report Scorecard
Determine which Corporate Reports are the most critical.
Understand issues and use cases for individual reports.

New Reporting Needs
Understand reporting & analytics needs at an individual respondent level. Uncover which reports are most issue-prone and have the most overlap. Address unmet needs of your key stakeholders.
Frequently Asked Questions
Stakeholders who rely on reporting and analytics to do their job
10 questions + 6 per report
The target participant rate is 70-75%.
Expertivity will send uniquely addressed survey links via email to identified participants
- Participants Details: Name, Email, Role, Department, Seniority
- Reviewed questions
Only wording changes to match internal naming conventions can be accommodated
Coming Soon!
If you have any questions about IT Diagnostics please contact us today!
Why Expertivity Technologies?
As Master Practitioners & Lean Operations Consultants we are trusted by top organisations across multiple industry sectors with complex environments to deliver against business priorities ranging from organisational process improvements to expert project management, strategy execution services to help organisations and their people perform to maximum potential.
We have the flexibility and talent to accommodate either short term or long term requirement, and help you deliver your projects better.
Simply put: We have the experience, we have the know how and we always deliver on time and on budget!