Help Guide - A3


A3 is a very simple, 'plan on a page' approach to problem solving, but places significant emphasis on objective analysis, process and systems thinking mindset.

A3 are named so because when they were first implemented pre-online days, they wanted to fit in one side of an A3-sized sheet of paper! This ensured brevity and speed in describing the problem and implementing the solutions.

The A3 app also supports the KATA coaching methodologies , which is a way for managers and educators to initiate and coach practice of practical scientific-thinking skills in their teams, to develop and mobilize creative capability.

About an A3

  • An A3 has following sections
    • Background: that helps setting the context of the problem
    • Current Condition: captures the details of the problem being faced
    • Goal / Target Condition: describes what should be the end goal
    • Root Cause Analysis: to collect data, analyze them and develop possible solutions
    • Countermeasures (Experiments): implement the solution through one or more iterative cycles or experiments - called PDCA cycles
    • Confirmation (Results): validate that the results are in line with the expectations
    • Follow-up (actions):any pending actions or lessons learnt that can be used in other projects
  • Each section has a predefined set of assessment questions that will guide you through a problem solving journey
  • Files can be uploaded in each section to serve as a repository for all users of the A3

Sections in A3


  • Describe what is the purpose, the business reason for choosing this issue
  • What specific performance measures needs to be improved?
  • What is the strategic, operational, historical or organizational context of the situation?
  • Please attach supporting data files using the '"Upload file" button

    Current Conditions

  • What is the problem or need - the gap in performance
  • What is happening now versus what you want or needs to be happening?
  • Have you been to the Gemba, where the work is happening?
  • What facts or data indicate there is a problem?
  • What specific conditions indicate that you have a problem or need?
  • Where and how much? Can you break the problem into smaller pieces?
  • Show facts and processes visually using charts, graphs, maps etc.
  • Please attach supporting data files using the '"Upload file" button

    Goal/Target Condition

  • What Specific improvement(s) in performance do you need to achieve?
  • Show visually, how much by when and with what impact
  • Dont state a countermeasure as a goal!
  • Please attach supporting data files using the '"Upload file" button

    Root Cause Analysis

  • What do the specifics of the issues in work processes (Location, patterns, trends, factors), indicate about why the performance gap or need exists?
  • What conditions or occurrences are preventing you from achieving the goals?
  • Why do they exist? What is (are) their causes?
  • Use the simplest problem-analysis tool that will suffice to show the cause and effect
  • Please attach supporting data files using the '"Upload file" button

    Using the KATA methodologies

    • Click on 'PDCA Records' in "Countermeasures (Experiments) sectionAs envisaged in the Kata methodologies, this section provides guide for managers how to coach their team members/mentees and record those responses into the app
    • For more information about KATA methodologies visit: