CIO Business Vision​ 

Understand your key business stakeholders, find out what is important to them, and improve your interactions

What is a CIO Business Vision Diagnostic?

CIO Business Vision diagnostic is a low-effort, high-impact diagnostic that will give you detailed report cards on the organisation's satisfaction with IT’s core services.

Use these insights to understand your key business stakeholders outside of IT, find out what is important to them, and improve your interactions.

What is inside the box?

The CIO Business Vision report contains detailed feedback given by your business leaders outside of IT. Their feedback along with the industry benchmarks will help you to build an effective IT Strategy.

IT Satisfaction Report Card


A scorecard that measures the satisfaction and value perceived by your key decision-makers. The most important services with the lowest satisfaction offer the largest area of improvement for IT to drive business value.

IT Capacity Scorecard


Get insights into your IT capacity, as well as understand which departments are going outside corporate IT to fulfill their IT needs



Benchmarking the core services of IT helps leaders to compare with their peers in the industry, a very valuable insight in a competitive environment.

Satisfaction by Department


Detailed, department-wise breakdown of satisfaction scores. You can use this view to compare the departments by Satisfaction, Capacity scores and top-priority IT service for each department.

Frequently Asked Questions

Business leaders (management and above) outside of IT

There are 28 questions. 

It will take participants 10 - 15 minutes to complete the survey. 

The target participant rate is 70-75%. 

Yes, there is anonymous results available.  

Expertivity Technologies will send uniquely addressed survey link via email to the participants.

  • Participants Details- Name, Email, Role, Seniority
  • Reviewed Questions

Yes, you can customise the questions but we cannot remove questions or change their core meaning. 

Yes, benchmarking data is available. 

Yes, there is a built-in year-over-year comparison. 

If you have any questions about CIO Business Vision Diagnostics please contact us today!

Why Expertivity Technologies? 

As Master Practitioners & Lean Operations Consultants we are trusted by top organisations across multiple industry sectors with complex environments to deliver against business priorities ranging from organisational process improvements to expert project management, strategy execution services to help organisations and their people perform to maximum potential.

We have the flexibility and talent to accommodate either short term or long term requirement, and help you deliver your projects better.

Simply put: We have the experience, we have the know how and we always deliver on time and on budget!