Master Practitioners & Lean Consultants 

in Enterprise & Operational Excellence  


Client Organisations




Years in Business


Average Improvement Achieved

Master  Practitioners and Lean Consultants in Enterprise and Operational Excellence

Expertivity's master practitioners and lean consultants work with people in  organisations who want to improve their agility, adaptiveness and overall ability to execute, capabilities necessary to meet the demands of  today's digital world!

Since 2003 Expertivity Technologies have been helping bring the best management practices and supporting technologies to the service and knowledge work sectors, where globally and across all sectors, productivity is notoriously low and the impact on society is high.

We have worked with over 2,000 teams in 50+ organisations in the service and knowledge-work sectors in Ireland and abroad to help them dramatically improve their productivity, achieving operational excellence and overall performance, regularly achieving productivity improvements of between 20% and 60% in 6 - 12 months. 

Our practitioners are recognised by our peers as expert practitioners in the science and disciplines that underpin high performance and productivity in service and knowledge work organisations including Lean and Systems Thinking. We understand how tools, technology and personal drive make little or no difference without the commitment of the full leadership and management team.


Agile and Adaptive In A Digital World

Clients leverage our deep expertise in understanding and addressing the unique challenges facing these sectors in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their performance. Our expertise and the successes we have brought to our clients is service sector agnostic and we have extensive experience in Healthcare, Life Insurance, Pensions, General Insurance, Motor and Home Insurance, Banking, Telecoms, Technology, Construction, Utility Infrastructure Government, Public Sector, Clinical Trials, Global Business Services and Shared Services. 

Our clients come from Multinationals, Large, Medium or Small Enterprises including Start-Ups who want to begin life by being excellent and staying the course. 

Working with people in the organisation, we share our knowledge, expertise and experience to help them empower their teams, functions or whole organisations to become more effective (achieving your goals) and efficient (optimal use of resources).

Our cloud-based, digital technology platform, ServiceForce   is unique in its ability to align and empower all the people in an organisation with the insights and information necessary to work together to deliver customer-focused, high productivity performance.

The Agile Business Execution Canvas® .

Our unique Agile Business Execution Canvas® is a "whole organisation" model for helping the people in your organisation understand what the organisation is trying to do and coordinate their efforts to iteratively improve the performance of the whole organisation for the benefit of all stakeholders.